Flight Report | 9K5251

Report Information
Pilot: Linus Adler (KAP100)
Flight Date 08 Jan 2025 21:01 UTC
Reveiw Status: Approved
Flight Number: 9K5251
Departure ICAO: KBOS
Arrival ICAO: KACK
Alternate ICAO: N/A
Aircraft: Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX Cape Air
Fuel Used: 256lb
Distance: 84nm
Passengers: 8
Cargo: 441lb
Departure Time: 20:14:28
Arrival Time: 21:20:08
Flight Duration: 01:05:40
Earnings: $141.12
Flight XP: 500
Performance Score: 100%
Landing Rate: -121fpm
Flight Type: Scheduled
Comments: ACARS flight.
Performance Data
Stall Detected: OK Crash Detected: OK
Landing Lights Below 10k: OK Landing Lights Above 10k: OK
Overspeed/Stress Detected: OK Taxi Overspeed: OK
Beacon Off - Engine On: OK Slew Detected: OK
Pause Detected: OK
Landing Rate: -121fpm) Takeoff G-Force: 1.11g Rotate Speed: 90kt Rotate Pitch: -5.67°
Rotate Bank: -4.52° Gear Up Speed: NA Gear Up Altitude: NA Takeoff Winds: 280/29kt
TAT DEP/ARR -1°C/-5°C Touchdown G-Force: 1.12g Touchdown Speed: 50kt Touchdown Pitch: -2.38°
Touchdown Bank: 1.64° Gear Down Speed: NA Gear Down Alt: NA Landing Winds: 284/37kt
Spoilers Deploy: NO

[20:14:14utc] You have successfully logged in Linus Adler.
[20:14:29utc] Your flight to KACK has now been started.
[20:14:30utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[20:28:27utc] Starting engine(s)
[20:33:15utc] Landing lights OFF
[20:33:33utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[20:39:38utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 280/29kt
[20:39:43utc] Departing KBOS, IAS 90kt, G-force 1.11g, pitch -5.67deg, bank -4.52deg, VS 96fpm, HDG 313deg
[20:40:19utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 116kt, GS 93kt, VS 698fpm, ALT 630ft, PITCH -8.2deg, HDG 295deg, TAT -2deg, WIND 287/27kt
[20:45:41utc] Aircraft at 6910ft, IAS 134kt, GS 181kt, HDG 148deg, TAT -13deg, WIND 316/31kt
[20:58:49utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 6830ft, IAS 164kt, GS 210kt, HDG 147deg, VS -580fpm, TAT -12deg, WIND 303/33kt
[21:03:56utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 145kt
[21:03:56utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 145kt
[21:03:59utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 140kt
[21:03:59utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 140kt
[21:04:00utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 138kt
[21:04:25utc] On approach, IAS 123, VS -745fpm, ALT 1500ft, pitch 3.41deg, HDG 154deg
[21:05:24utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 113kt
[21:05:50utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 86kt, GS 82kt, VS 243fpm, ALT 810ft, PITCH -1.04deg, HDG 223deg, TAT -3deg, WIND 284/32kt
[21:06:01utc] Aircraft at 830ft, IAS 84kt, GS 74kt, HDG 237deg, TAT -3deg, WIND 285/32kt
[21:07:23utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 60ft, IAS 54kt, GS 47kt, HDG 243deg, VS -175fpm, TAT -2deg, WIND 280/22kt
[21:07:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -121fpm, touchdown speed 50kt, G-force 1.12g, pitch -2.38deg, bank 1.64deg
[21:07:34utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[21:07:57utc] FLAPS 1
[21:07:57utc] FLAPS UP
[21:08:05utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[21:08:22utc] Aircraft parked
[21:09:43utc] Landing lights ON
[21:19:24utc] Starting engine(s)
Flight Map